What is Fascia?

Fascia is a form of connective tissue. It can be found almost everywhere under the surface of the skin. It can be compared to a large cobweb that runs through the body, enveloping muscles and all soft tissues including nerves, blood vessels, organs, ligaments and tendons. If everything in the body was taken away leaving only the fascia, a 3D mesh like body sculpture would be left. Alternatively, if the fascia is taken away, you would be a pile of bones and soft tissue on the floor. Fascia holds the balance of the body, it creates an environment that muscles can slide and glide over each other. It holds the organs in their place and enables movement.

Due to its interconnected nature, everything in the body is connected to everything else. If one part of the body is injured, tissues far away from the original site of injury can be affected.

Fascia molds itself over time according to how the body is used. Here's a simple example of what I mean:
Cross your arms over your chest and notice which arm ends up on top. Now, cross them the other way, with the other arm on top. Notice how funny and unnatural this feels? This is because you have repeated your favorite way of crossing your arms thousands of times throughout your life and the fascia in your arms has been molded according to that pattern. The same thing occurs in any area of the body that is used in a repetitive way.




© Amber Hadert 2023

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